The System of Objects
Jean Baudrillard
Not Available
The Information Bomb
Paul Virilio
The Metastases of Enjoyment
Slavoj Zizek
Culture and Materialism
Raymond Williams
The Invisible Remainder
Politics of Modernism
Strategy of Deception
On Ideology
Louis Althusser
Between Existentialism and Marxism
Jean-Paul Sartre
The Origin of German Tragic Drama
Walter Benjamin
Guy Debord
Reading Capital
Étienne Balibar and 1 more
Walter Benjamin, or, Towards a Revolutionary Criticism
Terry Eagleton
Hegel Contra Sociology
Gillian Rose
Georg Lukács
War and Cinema
In Search of Wagner
Theodor Adorno
The Democratic Paradox
Chantal Mouffe
Simon Critchley
The Cultural Turn
Fredric Jameson
The Transparency of Evil
For Marx
Contingency, Hegemony, Universality
Judith Butler and 2 more
Race, Nation, Class
Critique of Economic Reason
André Gorz
The Freudian Slip
Sebastiano Timpanaro
Comments on the Society of the Spectacle
The Panopticon Writings
Jeremy Bentham
Postmodern Geographies
Edward W. Soja
Design and Crime
Hal Foster
Machiavelli and Us
Louis Althusser and 1 more
Brecht and Method
Politics of Time
Peter Osborne
Ethics of the Real
Alenka Zupancic
The Mental and the Material
Maurice Godelier
Introduction to Modernity
Henri Lefebvre
Antisystemic Movements
Giovanni Arrighi and 2 more
Quasi Una Fantasia
Immanuel Kant
Lucien Goldmann
Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of the Scientists
Impossible Exchange
Politics and the Other Scene
Étienne Balibar
Alain Badiou and 1 more
Politics and Ideology in Marxist Theory
Ernesto Laclau
War Diaries
A Singular Modernity
Indefinitely Demanding
Wilhelm Reich
Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology
Rationality and Irrationality in Economics
Alain Badiou
Welcome to the Desert of the Real
The Fiery Brook
Ludwig Feuerbach
Critique of Instrumental Reason
Max Horkheimer
Marxism and Philosophy
Karl Korsch
V. N. Voloshinov
The Spirit of Terrorism and Other Essays
State, Power, Socialism
Nicos Ar Poulantzas
Screened Out
Freud and the Non-European
Edward W. Said
The Concept of Nature in Marx
Alfred Schmidt
Tactics and Ethics, 1919-1929
György Lukács
The Melancholy Science
The Ego and His Own
Max Stirner
Women, Resistance and Revolution
Sheila Rowbotham
Hatred of Democracy
Jacques Rancière
The Spectre of Hegel
Hegemony and Socialist Strategy
Ernesto Laclau and 1 more
The Philosophy of Marx
Woman's Consciousness, Man's World
Straight Sex
Lynne Segal
The Anti-Social Family
Michèle Barrett and 1 more
Woman's Estate
Juliet Mitchell
Octave Mannoni
The Dialectics of Liberation
Congress on the Dialectics of Liberation
Read My Desire
Joan Copjec
Radical Thinkers Set 9
A Theory of Capitalist Regulation
Michel Aglietta
The Formation of the Economic Thought of Karl Marx 1843 to Capital
Ernest Mandel
Marx on Money
Suzanne de Brunhoff
Diane Elson
Frames of War
Judith Butler
Marx and Human Nature
Norman Geras
Democracy Against Capitalism
Ellen Meiksins Wood
Public Sphere and Experience
Oskar Negt and 1 more
If They Come in the Morning
Angela Y. Davis
W. E. B. Du Bois
Invisibility Blues
Michelle Wallace
Beyond Black and White
Manning Marable
The Non-Jewish Jew and Other Essays
Isaac Deutscher
The Last Resistance
Jacqueline Rose
Redemption and Utopia
Michael Löwy
Judaism and Modernity
The Crisis in Physics
Christopher Caudwell
The World, the Flesh and the Devil
J. D. Bernal
Order Out of Chaos
I. Prigogine and 1 more
Marxism and the Philosophy of Science
Helena Sheehan
From Marxism to Post-Marxism?
Göran Therborn
Really Existing Nationalisms
Erica Benner
The Theory of Need in Marx
Agnes Heller
On Karl Marx
Ernst Bloch
Radical Thinkers Set 16
Erica Benner and 3 more
Pink Triangles
Pam Mitchell
Come Together
Aubrey Walter
American Homo
Jeffrey Escoffier
Gay Left Collective (Great Britain)
Fortunes of Feminism
Nancy Fraser
Sexuality in the Field of Vision
Aesthetics and Politics
Theodor W. Adorno and 4 more
Precarious Life
The Politics of Friendship
Jacques Derrida
On the Shores of Politics
Minima Moralia
Theodor W. Adorno
Infancy and History
Giorgio Agamben
Politics and History
Logics of Disintegration
Peter Dews
Late Marxism
The Political Descartes
Antonio Negri
In Theory
Aijaz Ahmad
Spinoza and Politics
The Perfect Crime
A Realist Theory of Science
Roy Bhaskar
A Study on Authority
Herbert Marcuse
The Emergence of Social Space
Kristin Ross
Ghostly Demarcations
Michael Sprinker
What Does the Ruling Class Do When It Rules?
Open Sky
For They Know Not What They Do
Liberalism and Democracy
Norberto Bobbio
The Function of Criticism
Signs Taken for Wonders
Franco Moretti
The Return of the Political